Products at Bayside Chiropractic Collective
Here is a list of health care products that you may be interested in. For your convenience, we have these products on hand in the clinic for purchase.
Naturelle Pillow
3 sizes (Low, Medium and High) prices $79 – $89
Complete Sleeper Pillow
Pocket Physio
Spikey Massage Ball
Air Cushion
Posture Medic
Different sizes available $49.95
Foam Rollers
Medium $25 and large $45
Posture Poles
Zen Herbal Liniment spray
Epzen Magnesium Bath salts infused with essential oils
Wheat Bags
We stock a range of high quality practitioner-grade supplements in clinic to help further achieve your wellness goals. Our range includes products that can help inflammation, relax muscles, support energy levels, support your immune system and more!
Some of the products in stock include; Ultra Potent C Chewables, Meta B Complex, Ultra Muscleze Night, Theracurmin. We also stock Metagenics and Bioceutical Supplements and can order in anything we don’t stock on shelf for you.

Book A Free 15 Minute Chat
Call us for more information on our product range, or talk to your practitioner about which practitioner-grade supplements best suit your requirements during your next visit.